Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Brief History of the Great Compromise - 681 Words

There’s was an issue among the 13 colonies. Virgina want to make two parts in the congress. They want to do have a House and Senate. New Jersey wanted it to stay the same and each state should have one vote. The New Jersey Plan proposed a unicameral (one-house) legislature in which all states had the same number of representatives no matter what the population was. This plan was, not surprisingly, the favorite of smaller states, which stood to gain power from it. Smaller states of course had a lower population than the bigger, more populated states. How would the votes be far to have the votes deal with population when other states have more people than smaller states. Less populated states like Delaware were afraid that this arrangement would result in their voices being drowned out by the larger states. Many delegates felt that the agreement did not have the authority to completely disregard the Articles of Confederation, as the Virginia Plan would have. The Article of Confederation was an agreement among the 13 founding states that established the United States of America as a confederation of sovereign states. The New Jersey Plan would have left the Articles of Confederation in place, but would have amended them to somewhat increase Congresss powers. Many delegates felt that separation of powers was not enough to prevent one branch of the government from overruling, so they also created a system of checks and balances to balance power even further. Under thisShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Pre Civil War On The United States986 Words   |  4 PagesMexican-American War, the first Missouri compromise, the second Missouri compromise, the fugitive slave law, and the tariff of 1825. Henry Clay was debatably the most influential of the three giants. According he was born in the state of Kentucky. He earned his place in the triumvirate the same way he earned his nick name â€Å"the great compromiser†. 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