Sunday, December 29, 2019

Essay On Workplace Violence - 1139 Words

Evaluation Criteria and Means of Measure Successful national policy implementation on healthcare associated workplace violence is achieved through broad culture change. As CMS has targeted focus on the Culture of Safety, the timing is ideal to continue to take steps to further this change. As the goals of a healthcare related workplace violence policy include: a reduction in workplace violence; a system to track and trend high-risk and/or repeat offenders; and an expansion of resources available to victims, the evaluation criteria would draw from the success of the goals. The difficulty in this culture shift is the lack of direct measurability. The component of decreased healthcare workplace violence may be the easiest criteria to†¦show more content†¦Although flawed, this means of statistical recording is clear point of measure when the time comes to evaluate the efficacy of the policy. Tracking and flagging of repeat offenders is likely an element that will be the task of individual facilities, which could then be rolled over into a national number. This standard would be achieved and measured in much the same way the existing OSHA reportable employee injuries are trended. Currently, OSHA has a national submission window in which facilities submit how many employees were employed for the year, how many hours were worked total, and how many injury events occurred. Ideally, the healthcare anti-violence policy would trend the number of reportable violent events year-over-year in the same fashion, and the efficacy of the policy requirements would be easy to evaluate, based on those reported numbers. As to the evaluation of the increased employee resources as a policy goal would require a baseline assessment from facilities (likely in the form of a survey), followed by a repeat assessment in a given amount of time. Facilities would be required to improve resource availability and the evaluation would be dependent upon improvement in the employee survey results. If used primarily as an evaluative tool to further employee access to resources, there also exists a secondary benefit for facilities to release the survey results. Overall job satisfaction would likely improve as resources are made availableShow MoreRelated Workplace Violence Essay1030 Words   |  5 PagesWorkplace Violence Workplace violence is a phenomenon that is now widely recognized as a social problem, which impacts all organizations. According to Department of Justice statistics for 1995, 21% of all violent crime occurred while the victim was either at work or traveling to or from work. Workplace Violence accounted for more than two (2) million violent Crimes annually from 1992-1997 (Kaufer 1-2). 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And the most disturbing finding homicide is the leading cause of death for women in the workplace. ( As a result, violence in the workplace has received considerable attentionRead More Workplace Violence Essay2488 Words   |  10 PagesWorkplace Violence In January 1997, a man drove into the parking lot of a major company in Baltimore County, pulled out a gun, and aimed it at his girlfriend who was sitting in her car and killed her. The man shot himself. Several days after that, another man in another part of the county, in attempt to commit suicide, drove his vehicle the wall of a business and injured an employee who was sitting at his desk. (National, 1996) There is a general perception that violence is growing in ourRead MoreEssay Workplace Violence in Nursing890 Words   |  4 PagesWorkplace Violence in Nursing Professional Position Paper Nurses continually strive to bring holistic, efficient, and safe care to their patients. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Analysis of William Shakespeare´s Othello - 737 Words

The Tragedy of Othello, a play by William Shakespeare, was written in the early 1600’s. If Othello was written in a different time, 21st century America, the view of people of different genders and races would differ, women would be held to a more equal social standard and the issue of Othello being black, wouldn’t be as prominent when he marries Desdemona. This play was written in a time where it was essential to follow cultural values. During this time women were expected to respect all male figures in their lives no matter how powerful or how old were. This concept is evident in Othello, specifically how Desdemona acts towards her father, and at times towards her husband Othello. Overtime this cultural value of the man being a dominant figure in society has lessened.Today in 2014, a 21st century American woman, is not held to such high expectations. Women are seen as equals to men in many aspects, so it is no longer part of our culture for women to respect men as muc h as they were expected to in the past. In the first act, Desdemona speaking to her father says, â€Å"My noble father, I do perceive here a divided duty: To you I am bound for life and education; My life and education both do learn me How to respect you†¦but heres my husband, And so much duty as my mother showd To you, preferring you before her father, So much I challenge that I may profess Due to the Moor my lord.†(528-530) At this point she goes against the cultural value for a woman to respect the maleShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Othello s Othello By William Shakespeare Essay2117 Words   |  9 Pages Racist Ideology As Seen In Othello As a writer, William Shakespeare possessed an uncanny ability to address topics that were, for the most part, unnoticed in society. Every one of his characters feels realistic because they are so complex and based on psychological motivations. When Shakespeare’s Othello was first written, there was undoubtedly a complicated relationship between white English citizens and so called â€Å"foreigners†. However, society’s inability to understand or accept different culturesRead MoreAnalysis Of Shakespeare s Othello, By William Shakespeare1040 Words   |  5 PagesWhen pairs of texts are considered together, their universal themes and ideas lead to greater understanding, appreciation and insight of both the old and the new. The texts Othello, William Shakespeare (1600) and Othello, Geoffrey Sax (2001), ring true for this statement. Despite the differing contexts and ages, the universal themes of racism and betrayal bring new meaning to each of the texts. The primary meaning from the juxtaposition of the two is that of the human condition, and how the problemsRead MoreAnalysis Of William Shakespeare s Othello889 Words   |  4 Pagesthey saw as issues in their respective cultures and societies. William Shakespeare in one of his most famous plays Othello lies out a problem which he thought was pertinent enough for him to deal with directly, that is the problem of race. Othello was a Moor, a man of African descent who was put in a hostile situation by being put in Venice a primarily white society. The role of race in Othello and the kind of language used by Shakespeare throughout the play point towards Othello’s race and how othersRead MoreAnalysis Of William Shakespeare s Othello1603 Words   |  7 PagesMAJOR WORKS REVIEW GENERAL 1. Title - Othello 2. Author - William Shakespeare 3. Date of Original Publication - 1622 4. Novel Type - Play STRUCTURE 1. Point of View - Iago 2. Relationship to meaning: The reader sees things the way that Iago sees them. This gives the reader an inside look on Iago’s evil plans, which also leads to a better understanding of all of the other characters, but Iago especially. The reader sees how Iago manipulates so many of the characters, like Roderigo and MontanoRead MoreAnalysis Of William Shakespeare s Othello 992 Words   |  4 PagesElleana Morrison Professor Connor Shakespeare 340 Midterm Paper, Prompt 5 7 April 2016 A Black Iago Othello is, in the opinion of many, one of Shakespeare’s most prolific plays. It broke the mold by assigning the lead protagonist role to a black man, and the central love story is of that between this older black man and a young white woman. Othello has perhaps the most wicked- and likable- villain in all of Shakespeare’s work. It has love- both fulfilled and unrequited, family conflict, rebellingRead MoreAnalysis Of William Shakespeare s Othello1449 Words   |  6 PagesHow to Survive Your First Relationship William Shakespeare, the Elizabethan poet and playwright, wrote his plays within one of four genres: comedy, tragedy, history, or romance. These genres make his plays very different from one another; however, they all share common characteristics. Shakespeare incorporates a message for his audience to become aware that ultimately teaches a lesson. In Othello, the message Shakespeare portrays to his audience is the importance self-knowledge; which is the abilityRead MoreAnalysis Of William Shakespeare s Othello950 Words   |  4 Pagescharacteristic in a person. Iago appears to demonstrate insane, mad behavior, but a discerning eye reveals otherwise. Iago?s manipulation over people leads to the death of Roderigo, Desdemona, and Othello. In Othello, by William Shakespeare, Iago?s jealousy over not being lieutenant is mistaken for madness and portrayed through irrational behavior. Firstly, Iago poisoned Roderigo?s thoughts to try and win Desdemona over, which in the end brings him to his untimely death. Iago provokes Roderigo to sellRead MoreAnalysis of The Theme of Language in William Shakespeare ´s Othello802 Words   |  3 PagesIn Othello, one of the most interesting enigmas is the relationship between the spoken language and knowledge (or lack their of) which eventually leads to the downfall of Othello. One might contend that Othello’s lack of understanding throughout the play derives itself from the powerful, toxic language of Iago, which poisons the otherwise sound, knowledgeable mind of Othello. One might be comfortable with the idea that language has such a powerful, direct effect on human beings and can be used toRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Othello As A Tragic Hero1323 Words   |  6 Pagesown demise. William Shakespeare’s Othello the Moore of Venice is a play about a heroic individual that goes through a tragic event based on h is decisions throughout the play. Many of the characters that Shakespeare presents in his plays reveal attitudes and value that is reflective of both the Elizabethan society in sixteenth century England and William Shakespeare; these values are evident in the context of the Venetian society that Othello takes place in. Through Othello Shakespeare embodies hisRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Works Of Shakespeare1126 Words   |  5 Pages Before I start right off in this essay, I believe it s only fair you should know a little back story of the author himself; William Shakespeare. Shakespeare was born April 26, 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon, which is located in the United Kingdom. Even though his goals were to become an actor, he fell into writing and become one of the most well-known writers in his life. There s a lot of controversy surrounding Shakespeare and there s many people who believe that he, himself did not write his famous

Friday, December 13, 2019

Wealth As Determinant Of Health Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays

string(118) " as it relates to healthcare and healthcare quality disparities, the studies found that inequality in quality exists\." There is a phenomenon in the United States that illustrates how wealth is a cardinal determiner of wellness. Wealth affords those who attain it, certain societal benefits which include entree to high quality instruction, employment, lodging, child care, recreational chances, nutrition, quality medical attention, and safer and cleaner vicinities. In 1985, the U. We will write a custom essay sample on Wealth As Determinant Of Health Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now S. Department of Health and Human Services ( HHS ) constructed the Secretary ‘s Task Force Report on Black and Minority Health. The study was more typical than old studies, comparing four minority groups in the United States every bit good as the White population. In add-on, A it utilised aA statisticalA presentation of A † inordinate deceases † instead than the usual decease rates. This attack emphasized the fact that lives that were lost would non hold been lost had minority decease rates been the same as for the White population. These differences were subsequently coined as wellness disparities. As a consequence of the forceful nature of this study and the demand forA integrating of wellness promotion/disease bar schemes into these populations, the Office of Minority Health was established within HHS. Since the origin of the Office of Minority Health research has shown that disparities exist in the population on the footing of both wellness position and wellness attention bringing. These disparities are the consequence of assorted variables. The lexicon of Public Health defines wellness disparities as â€Å" differing degrees of wellness indexs like life anticipation, baby and perinatal mortality rates, that are observed among sections of a population, discernable in the size of the wellness spread between the highest and lowest section of the population, that frequently correlate with economic indexs, educational degree, employment and lodging conditions. † There are differing theoriesA orA premises usedA to explicate why wellness disparities plague certain populations. What both of these theories lack is the causalA mechanism by whichA the disparities occur. The historical context of attending to wellness disparities began with W.E.B. Du Bois. The being of wellness disparities in America was foremost documented in 1906 by W.E.B. Du Bois. Fueled by the averment that Negroes were an inferior race, Du Bois used nose count and disease informations from the late 1800s to document widespread disparities in bosom disease, infant deceases, maternal deceases, TB, and pox. Based on these observations, Du Bois asserted that such wellness disparities had nil to make with lower status and were strongly associated with multiple factors such as poorness, deficiency of instruction, and societal factors. A The taking wellness disparities include: entree to care, quality of wellness or wellness position, cardiovascular disease, malignant neoplastic disease, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, asthma, infant mortality, and mental wellness. Quality of attention in peculiar, has shown to hold significant spreads among populations. As it relates to disparities in quality of attention, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality â€Å" Quality wellness attention means making the right thing, at the right clip, in the right manner, for the right people-and holding the best possible consequences. † ( Q ) Quality wellness attention is effectual, safe, seasonably, patient centered, just, and efficient. In 1999, Congress commissioned the Institute of Medicine ( IOM ) to look into wellness and wellness attention among racial/ethnic minorities. The consequences of the survey conducted, entitled Unequal Treatment: Confronting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care, demonstrated that minorities had p oorer wellness and were systematically acquiring lower-quality attention even when factors such as insurance position and income were n’t involved ( Smeadley, Stith, A ; Nelson 2003 ) . Despite paces towards extinguishing disparities, they still persist. Health attention disparities in quality of attention are found among several mark populations. These populations include: racial and cultural minorities, those of a certain socioeconomic position, occupants of rural countries, low-income groups, adult females, kids, the aged, and individuals with disablements. An copiousness of grounds demonstrates that as a consequence of several factors, a huge bulk of people in these mark population groups do non have high quality wellness attention. Perceived supplier favoritism has both direct and indirect effects on wellness attention use and wellness position. Surveies such as those conducted by Van Houtven et Al. and Blanchard and Lurie found that persons who perceived supplier favoritism significantly delayed wellness attention use ( 10, 15 ) . The biopsychosocial theoretical account explains how stereotyping or bias can bring on emphasis in those who experience it and as a consequence have a negative impact on wellness position. Patient-pro vider miscommunication has several branchings such as medical mistakes, deficient medical attention, and even decease. This type of miscommunication is the consequence of cultural and linguistic communication barriers. Bettering lingual and cultural competence can be accomplished by increasing the proportion of underrepresented clinicians in wellness systems and in medical instruction. Technology lacks in health care seem to besides bring on lacks in quality of attention provided to many of persons in the mark population. Suppliers in rural and destitute countries are holding troubles because they lack the wellness information engineering that their opposite numbers have in the urban and more flush countries. Differential entree to care can take to disparities in quality of wellness attention. Deriving entree to wellness attention is so an of import requirement to obtaining quality wellness attention. Minorities and low-income groups are less likely to hold wellness insurance and are more likely to hold public insurance. Payment rates for Medicaid are significantly lower than for Medicare, hence, minorities having Medicaid or that are uninsured receive attention in different scenes than in private insured or Medicare patient. Evidence suggests that entree to a regular and usual beginning of attention can greatly cut down wellness disparities. Transportation barriers, distance to clinics, or a deficiency of cognition about supplier locations have besides threatened entree to care. In 2003, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, as directed by the Healthcare Research and Quality Act of 1999, presented Congress with the first one-year National Healthcare Disparities Report and the National Healthcare Quality Report. Among the many findings as it relates to healthcare and healthcare quality disparities, the studies found that inequality in quality exists. You read "Wealth As Determinant Of Health Health And Social Care Essay" in category "Essay examples" Key findings in the 2009 National Healthcare Quality Report found that attempts to cut down disparities have had an impact, nevertheless, disparities still exist. In the study, it was found an estimated cost $ 65-130 billion can be attributed to premature decease and lower wellness position among uninsured people. The study besides focuses on several scientifically supported nucleus quality measures that autumn into two classs, either process steps or result steps. When compared to White persons: Blacks received worse attention for 50 % and better attention for 15 % of nucleus steps ; Asians received worse attention for 30 % and better attention for 40 % of nucleus steps ; American Indians and Alaska Natives ( AI/ANs ) received worse attention for 45 % and better attention for 25 % of nucleus steps ; Hispanics received worse attention for 70 % and better attention for 20 % of nucleus steps. ( Q ) Associating to income disparities, hapless people received worse attention than high-income people for 75 % and better attention for 5 % of nucleus steps. ( Q ) When comparing the spread in disparities with findings from old old ages, 66 % of nucleus steps have non improved for Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics ; ensuing in a dead or increased spread. For inkinesss in peculiar, the spread seems to somewhat be shuting with an betterment in approximately 20 % of the disparities steps. For AI/ANs there is an betterment of approximately 40 % of disparities steps. However, when reexamining these findings, one may ask whether or non utilization patterns among these groups were taken into consideration besides. Extinguishing or cut downing healthcare disparities will necessitate statute law and action. Health policies and enterprises are made on three degrees of authorities, federal, province, and community-based. An illustration of a large-scale federal-level policy is REACH 2010. Reach 2010 is the CDC ‘s attempt to extinguish racial and cultural disparities. The CDC has awarded grants to 40 community-based alliances countrywide to implement a community-based plans and culturally-appropriate intercessions in the riddance of disparities. An illustration of a state-level policy is the Colorado Turning Point Initiative ( CTPI ) . The CTPI has set up informations aggregation plans to supply a standardised comparing of wellness indexs by race and ethnicity. Systems have besides been created to work towards its intended end of wellness disparities riddance. Such as the development of a province Office of Health Disparities and an betterment in linguistic communication aid for those who lac ks English proficiency. An illustration of a community-based disparities enterprise is the Florida Community-Based Participatory Research ( CBPR ) Initiative in Reducing and Eliminating Health Disparities. This inaugural supports disease intercession research in disparities utilizing community-based participatory research which is conducted by communities and research workers. There are several possible policy options for work outing the job of wellness attention disparities in quality of attention. As many persons in the mark populations are uninsured or underinsured, entree to wellness insurance by manner of policies such as the Healthcare Reform may hold a great impact on wellness disparities. For minorities and other mark groups, Healthcare Reform will take down costs for households, provide greater and more low-cost insurance picks, increase entree to care, advance primary attention, and command chronic disease. Another possible option is the Institute of Medicine ‘s Model of entree to wellness Services. A last possible policy option is acceptance of Health Information Technology ( HIT ) by manner of policies such as the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health ( HITECH ) ACT. The preferable policy option for work outing the job of wellness attention disparities in quality of attention is wide acceptance of HIT. This option should particularly be implemented in destitute and rural countries. The policy ‘s standard should include: acceptance of wellness IT, quality wellness services provided, an impact on wellness disparities, coverage of quality informations, and political feasibleness. The degree of engineering is sufficient to implement this policy option. Presently, there are several types of wellness IT technologies, which includes: electronic wellness records ( EHRs ) , E-health, electronic medical records ( EMRs ) , and computerized supplier order entry ( CPOE ) . Barriers to acceptance may show themselves in the signifier of: cost/lack of capital to put among suppliers, inability to incorporate the HIT with current systems, offline clip, lost of productiveness or income during passage, preparation, and hardware/software ascents. By implementing the HIT acceptance policy the spreads in quality of attention created by wellness disparities can be decreased. Broad acceptance of HIT will greatly even out the industry for all suppliers. Those suppliers in rural or destitute countries, such as Community Health Centers ( CHCs ) , in peculiar will hold the greatest impact on wellness disparities. â€Å" Given that CHCs sever about 14 per centum of the state ‘s uninsured people, 11 per centum of Medicaid enrollees, and 10 per centum of minorities, puting in spread outing CHC ‘s wellness IT capacity seems a valuable scheme to farther cut down wellness disparities for a significant figure of financially vulnerable patients † ( Shields 2007 ) . An of import characteristic of Health IT such as EHRs is the clinical supplier support interface that several systems contain. This characteristic provides recommendations on diagnostic and screening trials. â€Å" This Fosters just intervention for diverse pop ulations by extinguishing any possible racial or cultural prejudice form the wellness attention supplier that might impact clinical judgement † ( Custodio 2009 ) . The system will to boot help in the decrease of medicine mistakes and inauspicious drug effects with its medicine faculty. This faculty can urge dose, interaction information of several drugs, and generic options. The interoperability of wellness IT technologies such as EHRs will greatly increase functionality and as a consequence, the quality of attention provided. As many in the mark populations may be uninsured, lack the cognition of available resources, may populate far from a individual entity supplier, are hesitating to seek medical attention until something is incorrect, and miss a medical place, they tend to use hospital exigency suites more frequently than needed for medical attention. Health It such as EHRs will let suppliers from assorted clinics or infirmaries, entree a patient ‘s medical records, which will assist to cut down duplicate of services and medical mistakes. EHRs to boot, let for easier coverage of quality informations and public presentation monitoring. The information provided from the coverage will ease enterprises with a end of quality improvements. â€Å" An electronic wellness record that includes certification of demographics, including race and ethnicity, hazard facto appraisals, and preventative and chronic disease direction determination support, enables the clinician to pull off more efficaciously the complex wellness attention demands of our vulnerable populations † ( Custodio 2009 ) . Health IT is a valuable tool in the attempt of battling wellness disparities. The political feasibleness associated with the wide acceptance of wellness IT involves several involvement groups or stakeholders. Government bureaus such as the Commission to End Healthcare Disparities ( The Commission ) have taken an active function in this issue and will interest in the result of this policy alteration. The Commission is a federal undertaking force focuses on quality, physician leading, and systems as a agency to extinguishing disparities. Community organisations besides play a critical function in the issue as they are the 1s that have direct contact with those in the mark population. This policy alteration will let them to come in the community and be a liason between suppliers and the mark population. The mark population groups have the most at interest when it comes to the policy alteration seeing that they are the 1 ‘s straight affected by the disparities. Healthcare suppliers or health care organisations besides have a interest in the policy alteration since they will be buying the systems needed to implement the alteration. Employers and concerns such as insurance or wellness IT software/hardware companies will besides hold a interest in this policy alteration with both perchance benefiting from the alteration. The stakeholders in support of the policy alteration include: authorities bureaus, community organisations, mark population, and the HIT software/hardware companies. The group that would perchance oppose the alteration is the health care providers/healthcare organisations. Countrywide several little doctor groups that service the rural or impoverished countries have been loath to follow HIT. Hospitals have besides been hesitant in their acceptance because of the associated barriers. This policy would be supported by Democrats. Recently the two such policies aimed at HIT execution, the HITECH Act and the Healthcare Reform, have been passed under a democratic disposal. Economically, the execution of HIT comes with a brawny monetary value ticket. The Congressional Budget Office ( CBO ) conducted a survey sing EHRs execution and associated cost. The CBO found that the cost of execution for primary practician offices ranged between $ 25,000-50,000 per doctor. ( perot ) Additionally, one-year operating, licensing, and care costs ranged between $ 3,000-9,000 per doctor. Execution costs for infirmaries averaged $ 14,500 per bed with one-year operating costs of $ 2,700 per bed. ( Perot ) The HITECH Act was enacted as portion of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 with an purpose of exciting the acceptance of wellness IT and the meaningful usage of HER systems. In the act, the authorities allocated $ 19 billion to set towards the execution of EHRs countrywide. The authorities will supply Medicare or Medicaid reimbursements and $ 44,000 discount as inducements to follow EHRs between 2011-2015. After 2015 any wellness attention organisations t hat have failed to follow a system and pattern their meaningful usage will confront punishments. As portion of the Healthcare Reform, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, contains several commissariats for acceptance of HIT and betterment in entree to care for the uninsured and underinsured. The overall jutting cost of the Healthcare Reform is $ 940 billion for the first decennary. The gross to implement the recommended policy alteration will come from revenue enhancements and supplier capital. Equally long as the policy is implemented right, the benefits of the policy alteration will be every bit accessible among the mark population. Harmonizing to the HITECH Act, by 2015, all health care suppliers are expected to implement wellness IT. In order to guarantee successful execution a mechanism should be used to supervise whether disparities increase with the wide acceptance of EHRs or other wellness IT. Fraud nevertheless, may happen in the signifier of a security breach of the HIT system. â€Å" Internal breaches of security continue to be the primary security concern identified by health care IM/IT executives † ( book ) . There is besides the potency for gross misdirection or waste of ARRA financess. In order to implement this policy efficaciously, a strategic execution program must be in topographic point. Collaboration among most if non all stakeholders must take topographic point, peculiarly between suppliers, authorities, and community-based organisations. Diversity and competency within the health care system and its work force must be improved. A quality-based reimbursement system for authorities operated insurances should be in topographic point. A undertaking force should be created in order to promote suppliers in rural countries to follow EHRs and other HIT. Health disparities should be included in the quality steps reported by suppliers to CMS in order to be eligible for meaningful usage inducement payments. State degree schemes should include: preparing or updating the province route map for HIT acceptance, set uping a province leading office, and set up chances for wellness IT preparation and instruction. Federal-level schemes occur in an ongoing three phase attempt. Stage one begins in 2011 and dressed ores on electronically entering wellness information in coded format. Stages 2 and 3 will be occur between 2013-2015 and expands on aims and steps, concentrating chiefly on the interoperability of HIT and it ‘s associate betterments in public wellness. How to cite Wealth As Determinant Of Health Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Identifying Market Segments and Targets

Question: Discuss about the Identifying Market Segments and Targets. Answer: Introduction: Segmentation, targeting and positioning framework can be identified as one of the major important strategic issue for an organization. It is impossible for a company to satisfy the whole population with a certain product. Hence, it is important to identify who are the basic consumers of the product offerings, and developing it according to their choices. Moreover, it is also important to provide a point of differentiation to the customers so that they choose the brand over its competitors. Hence, it is important for a company strategically using the STP framework. Being a luxury hotel chain Jumeirah Group is also using this framework for its business growth. Discussion: As mentioned by Kumar and Zia (2016) the STP framework is typically important for a company to be successful in the market with long-term validity. The elements of this framework help in strategic management of an organization. Segmentation: As mentioned by Bickhoff et al. (2014) with the help of this element the companies try to identify the target customers for the product and who will best be satisfied with the offerings of the product. As discussed by Wurster and Scarlat (2014) by identifying the target customers the companies try to make the product develop according to their needs and lay concise strategies to attract them to the brand. As mentioned by Bickhoff et al. (2014) by creating a demographic, psychographic, and geographic and benefit based segmentation, the companies try to capture the target customers. Targeting: This element helps the company to develop measures of segment attraction. As mentioned by Wurster and Scarlat (2014) in the targeting strategy, the company tries to develop the product according to the need of the selected segments. Positioning: Positioning can be identified as differentiating the brand or the product from that of its competitors. It provides the companies a significant level of competitive advantage. By developing an effective marketing mix, the companies try to posit its products in a market (Bruggeman et al., 2012). In the case of Jumeirah Group, the STP framework can be discussed as followed: Segmentation: Demographic: the high-income group, high educational qualification, high class consumers Geographic: the internationals customers Psychographic: the liberal, extravagant, extrovert, lifestyle oriented customers Benefit: The leisure time travelers, the high and light users ( 2016). Targeting: The company is using the micro marketing as, they have identified that the choice of the customer are different in every sector. As mentioned by Bickhoff et al. (2014) in the service industry it can be identified as the best possible targeting option. Positioning: The main positioning strategy of this group is branding itself as one of the most luxurious, 5 star hotel groups. The company is using the premium pricing policy for separating itself from its competitors ( 2016). The company is typically using the expressive positioning strategy, and stressing on the emotional or expressive association of the service. By providing a sense of aristocracy, it is typically alluring the high-end customer groups towards the brand. Critically evaluate the element of the STP framework that is of the most strategic value for organizations. An organization put a lot of time in coming up with the right kind of marketing mix and developing the ideal positioning strategy. But it is of utmost importance that the organization segments its market area properly so that they can properly communicate with the end users of their product. Business with a good plan for segmentation already wins half of the battle in marketing and thus all the latter parts just fits well in the cog (Global Market Line Industry Profile, 2012). The segmentation should be properly done all the various aspects of its should be well considered such as demographical segmentation, geographical segmentation, behavioral segmentation and psychographic segmentation. The organizations basically segments their market in the order of the preferences and the attitudes of their potential customers. The segmentation is done after having a thorough research of the market. Market segmentation gives a temporary but firm commercial advantage to the organization. It reduces the risks by thoroughly distinguishing the potential customers and the methods they can be reached. Marketing segmentation overall increases the marketing efficiency of an organization and thus help the marketing strategy to work consistently and as planned (Kotler and Keller, 2012). Conclusion: STP is fundamentally helpful for the companies to serve the target customers for the best profit outcome and brand popularity. As discussed above, the Jumeirah Group is also successfully operating with this STP framework. But segmenting the customers, and targeting the high end group, the company has strategically developed its positioning policy which is being helpful in creating huge level of brand success. Hence, it can be concluded that for market success, it is important for the companies to use the STP framework prior to its strategic implementation. References: Bickhoff, N., Hollensen, S. and Opresnik, M., 2014. Step 2: Strategic and Operative Marketing PlanningSegmenting, Targeting, Positioning. In The Quintessence of Marketing (pp. 47-110). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Bruggeman, J., Grunow, D., Leenders, M., Vermeulen, I. and Kuilman, J. (2012). Industrial Corporate Change.Market positioning: the shifting effects of niche overlap, 21(6), pp.1451-1477. Global Market Line Industry Profile. (2012).Software Services Industry Profile, pp.1-35. (2016). Luxury Hotels Europe, Middle East Far East - Jumeirah. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Nov. 2016]. Kotler, P. and Keller, K. (2012). Marketing management Identifying market segments and targets.New York, New York: Pearson, 14(8), pp.212-239. Kumar, N.S. and Zia, M., 2016. A Three Dimensional Vertical Differentiation Model: Implications for Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning. Targeting and Positioning (April 3, 2016). Wurster, R.A. and Scarlat, C., 2014. Segmenting, targeting, and positioning of mobile payment services. Mobile Electronic Commerce: Foundations, Development, and Applications, p.367.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Bioterrorism Research Paper Essay Example

Bioterrorism Research Paper Essay Research Paper on Bioterrorism Bioterrorism is generally a sensitive and frightening topic. Biological warfare and chemical warfare are silent and discrete but dangerous and deadly. Bioterrorism that involves and capitalizes on the use of infectious disease is something that should be considered with even more caution and deliberation. In recent years, more and more complex outbreaks have occurred in the United States, which has called for the need for local, regional, and national preparedness (Hughes). These outbreaks have comprised of bioterrorism attacks, some of which have used chemical warfare to induce non-infectious disease, such as anthrax. However, others have resulted in the spread of infectious diseases, such as the smallpox virus (Bureau of Emergency Preparedness and Response). This research paper will explore the current threat of bioterrorism using both types of diseases, and how we can learn from this in the area of infectious diseases. In 1978, the former Soviet Union supplied the communist Bulgarian government with a device disguised as an umbrella. In reality it was a weapon that contained ricin toxin and was eventually used to assassinate a Bulgarian exile named Georgi Markov (Bureau of Emergency Preparedness and Response). The reference made here should depict how creative a terrorist can be when there is an aim and using infectious diseases is a subtle yet effective way to execute an assassination. Infectious diseases are the number one cause of death in the world. Bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protoza are the four major types of germs that can lead to infectious diseases (US National Library of Medicine). These diseases are caused by germs that can be accessed and developed by someone with a relatively novice background in scientific experimenting. We will write a custom essay sample on Bioterrorism Research Paper specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Bioterrorism Research Paper specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Bioterrorism Research Paper specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer However, in most cases bioterrorism those with connections to large quantities and variety of agents have executed attacks. Events of this nature, albeit varied in implementation have been repeatedly throughout the 20th and 21st centuries. In 1918 the army formed a biological weapons section and tested their weapons on prisoners of war. In 1915, Dr. Anton Digler developed a facility where large quantities of anthrax and glanders bacteria (Bureau of Emergency Preparedness and Response). Since then, the activity in these matters has been growing and as technology makes its advances and those with less resources available are gaining the capabilities to produce monstrous results. These matters must be dealt with accordingly, especially considering the fact that the same principles, which have produced non-infectious disease attacks, can be applied to those that produce infectious disease. Let us consider smallpox disease. In the Indian and English war, before there was a vaccine for smallpox, the English provided Indians with blankets previously used by smallpox carriers. The result was a huge outbreak in the disease among the Indians. Since the eradication of worldwide vaccination, the ability to produce the smallpox agent has been recovered (Centre for Disease Control and Prevention). This is naturally a valid cause for worry. Some may argue that investing in preventative measures is a waste of money because there is no realistic way of knowing when or where the disease will strike. These people will argue that instead we should focus on why the agent is being produced in the first place. In essence, to get to the root of the problem instead of just attempting a quick fix. In the long run this may be true and it does seem logical. However, such a problem cannot be solved if the terrorism continues. If terrorists see that there is no opposition creating friction, we will create a world of opportunity for them, and there will be no long run to fix.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on How Information Technology Has Affected The Buisness World

How Information Technology Has Affected the Business World? Information technology has been continuously revolutionizing the way we live; information is now available instantaneously and in incredible amounts. The big question that remains is how these emerging technologies are affecting the personal, social, educational, and political aspects of the business world and of our lives. Probably the one aspect of Information Technology that has the largest affect on the business world is the World Wide Web [2]. The Web has basically eliminated any limits on communication around the world and has largely improved the efficiency of almost all aspects of the business industry. We see the impact of information technology on the library as the core institution of universities around the country and even the World. The World Wide Web will impact greatly upon the library whether the library wants it to or not, and this impact will in large part be dictated to the library by forces both technologically and socially based, and thus beyond the library’s overall control. The Web is changing the balance between the library as provider of information and teaching faculty as providers of education [2]. One part of the World Wide Web that has provided the business industry and the rest of the World with the most conveniences is E-mail. This has totally reshaped the marketing scheme for many businesses across the globe. â€Å"E-mail marketing campaigns are faster, cheaper and more effective than direct mail campaigns and will ultimately supersede them, according to a study from market research company Gartner Inc†[3]. Many companies still use the postal service as their primary campaigns tool, but e-mail marketing campaigns can be put together in seven to ten business days, compared with four to six weeks to complete a direct mail campaigns. Replies arrive in three days compared to an average of three to six weeks for a postal mail campaig... Free Essays on How Information Technology Has Affected The Buisness World Free Essays on How Information Technology Has Affected The Buisness World How Information Technology Has Affected the Business World? Information technology has been continuously revolutionizing the way we live; information is now available instantaneously and in incredible amounts. The big question that remains is how these emerging technologies are affecting the personal, social, educational, and political aspects of the business world and of our lives. Probably the one aspect of Information Technology that has the largest affect on the business world is the World Wide Web [2]. The Web has basically eliminated any limits on communication around the world and has largely improved the efficiency of almost all aspects of the business industry. We see the impact of information technology on the library as the core institution of universities around the country and even the World. The World Wide Web will impact greatly upon the library whether the library wants it to or not, and this impact will in large part be dictated to the library by forces both technologically and socially based, and thus beyond the library’s overall control. The Web is changing the balance between the library as provider of information and teaching faculty as providers of education [2]. One part of the World Wide Web that has provided the business industry and the rest of the World with the most conveniences is E-mail. This has totally reshaped the marketing scheme for many businesses across the globe. â€Å"E-mail marketing campaigns are faster, cheaper and more effective than direct mail campaigns and will ultimately supersede them, according to a study from market research company Gartner Inc†[3]. Many companies still use the postal service as their primary campaigns tool, but e-mail marketing campaigns can be put together in seven to ten business days, compared with four to six weeks to complete a direct mail campaigns. Replies arrive in three days compared to an average of three to six weeks for a postal mail campaig...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Organizational communication Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Organizational communication - Research Paper Example Some are of the opinion that it is not as simple as the definition suggest where several multidimensional psychological responses to an individual’s job are involved. Other scholars have noted that measures of employee’s job satisfaction varies in the extent to which feelings concerning job satisfaction are measured (Goodyear Roger et al 1996). Conflict management, on the other hand, conflict management within an organization is a process where the negative aspects are limited while enhancing the positive aspects of the organization. The primary aim of managing conflict within the organization is to improve learning and group performance in the organization. A properly managed conflict enhances group outcomes. As far as communication within Waco Police Department is concerned, communication plays a critical role in the organization since the managers can execute the basic functions of management, i.e. planning, organizing, controlling and leading. Communication assist m anagers to carry out their duties and responsibilities. Communication acts as pillar for planning. All the crucial information have to be communicated to the managers who in turn should communicate the plans so as to implement them. Organizing needs effective communication with others pertaining their jobs. Career development offers opportunities that can mutually benefit both the employees and employers. According to Van, (2000), eemployees who participate in job training, continuing education, and other professional development can acquire and refine new set of skills hence leading to career advancement. In addition, more educated workforce leads to various advantages to the employer. Creating a well-rounded workforce by preparing them to handle the tasks successfully in their roles helps the organization to be more efficient and effective. For instance, cross-training of

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Easiest Teacher-Researcher Data Collection Strategies Essay

The Easiest Teacher-Researcher Data Collection Strategies - Essay Example The focus groups are another strategy that will I would incorporate into my teaching as it an effective way of enhancing peers to learn from each other while assessing themselves. This increases the awareness of the different areas the students have difficulties in thereby prompting them to help each other better. The hardest teacher-researcher data collection strategies to incorporate into my teaching would be digital pictures, weblogs, and videos. As much as these instructions strategies are very effective in breaking the monotony of the classroom thereby rejuvenating the students’ concentration, they also have an equal effect of diverting the attention of the students from the intended purpose. For instance, when a teacher uses a video or the digital pictures teach something, there is a high tendency of more than 60% of the students to remain glued on the video or the pictures long after the teacher has finished using them. This shows that they did not concentrate on the concept taught but rather they were concentrating on the bar picture or the video. I would be comfortable with my colleague taking notes for me while teaching as this is a very important form of feedback that can help me improve my teaching. The notes will also give me a personal reflection of how to prepare my action plan in the future. However, I would appreciate some if some ground rules are followed for this practice in order to avoid conflict. My colleague should not take this opportunity as a chance for her/him to teach me how to teach my lessons or how to improve my practice. The notes alone will give me the feedback I need to improve my practice and teach better. The principle or the university supervisor can support my efforts to collect data by creating an environment that is conducive for learning and the children and their parents can put educational activities before any other activity around the school. This forms healthy school environment where the learning activities produce a lot of data needed to make effective learning decisions.  Ã‚  

Monday, November 18, 2019

Rene Descartes Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Rene Descartes - Assignment Example The skeptical method as conceptualized by Descartes is a definite criteria or procedure through which truth can be found (Descartes 148). It abhors and condemns the tendency to merely believe things without any doubt faulting as a flawed method of digging into reality. Skeptical method involves unveiling the truth by first disbelieving and, thereafter, soberly researching and rationalizing them. The weight of thorough reasoning and evaluation on the skeptically pre-perceived objects and events determines the accuracy of the results. Descartes’ argument about truth finding through skeptical method is undoubtedly genuine and accurate as people who do not doubt end up believing without thorough consideration. Doubt breeds research and further evaluation. His definition of human beings as thinking beings is as well true since what differentiates humans from other animals is the thinking capacity (Descartes 154). If it is the physical body, even some animals would be much better than us. This is why if a person behaves in abnormal manner, this can be termed as inhuman as humans act on the basis of reasoning. The argument is, therefore,

Friday, November 15, 2019

PESTEL Analysis of Toyota

PESTEL Analysis of Toyota Toyota Motor Corporation was established in year 1937 by its founder Kiichiro Toyoda, headquartered in Toyota, Aichi, Japan. Its a part of Toyota Industries which diversified into automobiles. In 2009 Toyota Motor Corporation was declared as the largest automobile manufacturer in terms of sales and production in the world. It has more than 320,000 employees worldwide (Arkadi Borowski, 2010). It includes Toyota, Lexus, Daihatsu and Hino Motors. The product range of Toyota Motors Corporation is very large and includes cars, sport utility vehicles, trucks, electricity driven vehicles, crossovers and luxury-type vehicles. Its total revenues per year are more than 30 trillion Yen. Some of the key persons are Fujio Cho (Chairman), Katsuaki Watanabe (Vice Chariman) and Akio Toyoda (President). Importance of external environment analysis Often the external environment is the one which cannot be controlled by individual compared to internal environment. However, these factors are responsible for most of the decisions taken by the company and help in understanding the limiting factors. Without analysing the external environment it is difficult to draft a successful strategy (Michael A. Hitt, R. Duane Ireland Robert E. Hoskisson, 2009). Without proper analysis of competitors it would be difficult to craft a strategy to compete with them (Robert E. Hoskisson, Michael A. Hitt R. Duane Ireland, 2008). It is also necessary to understand the culture of the country in which the company is operating (Kip Becker, 2000). The kind of political stability and government ruling in a country is also a crucial factor in choosing the country (R. K. Singh, 2009). The key analysis areas would be the political condition of the country where the company is situated, the economic growth of the target market, technological factors, legal factors and ecological factors. These factors provide the overall impact of these factors on the company. These all factors in combination can be termed as microenvironment analysis. Justification of choice of analytical framework For analysis of the above environment issues and factors PESTEL framework can be used appropriately since PESTEL framework provides the overall impact of the external environment on the given company/firm. PESTEL framework which is complete in itself since starting from the Political to Economic to Sociological, Technological, Ecological and Legal aspects of any firm and hence analyses the overall macro environment for any company. External environment analysis: PESTEL Framework In the below analysis the PESTEL model is used to see the effect of various parameters mentioned below on the industry and their impact on Toyota with respect to the human resource policies of the company. This will help us to get better insight of the effect of these external parameters in crafting of human resource policies. Political: Political aspect of the framework consider the factors like trading policies, Funding grant and Initiatives, International pressure group, wars and conflicts, government policies, terrorism, political trends, government leadership and structure in which a company is dealing. Basically the political environment of the region in which company is dealing affects its policies a lot. Since due to recent economic downturns in which government in different nations played a major role in helping the companys to cope up with extreme economic situations. And for a company like Toyota which is operating in so many nations and has such a wide range of products that the political interference by the government becomes very important in such cases. The policies of the government and earnings of the bank also affect the macro environment due to which big impact comes on the company. Due to the US government intervention in the recruitment process of the companys who is advocating to provide more and more in house jobs so the company now have stopped hiring their manpower from home nation but hiring major portion of their manpower from the US for their US operations. Also they take into consideration the political dynamics of the country and avoid any issues that can generate from the already existing unhealthy political relations of the two countries like the company has operations both in India and Pakistan but they avoid relocation the employees of both the countries in the opposite countries. Economical: Economic aspect of the PESTEL environments investigates into all the external economic factors related with the company, impact of these factors on the company favorable or unfavorable. Economic analysis in PESTEL framework includes economic situations and trends in home country, economic trends overseas, taxation rules, market and trade cycle, disposable income of the customers, demand and supply effects, CPI, exchange rates, inflation rate etc. All these factors are very important to the company as they directly affect the revenues of the company. For most of the rising economies of the world Toyota is a pillar company since without Toyota in automobile industry it is not easy to develop the steel business, glass sector or plastic industry. Though Toyota at present is facing rising losses due to improper structure of some of their automotives which they have to recall in large numbers due to which company have to incur big losses from year 2007 till date. Economic factors have contributed maximum for the HR policy changes in Toyota and other forms as well. As with the recent recession which almost impacted the countries around the world, companies have changed themselves a lot so as to cope with the current situation in the marketplace. Economic factors such as customer demand, inflation rate, disposable income and GDP growth rate has a major impact on the HR policies of the company. Some of the major impacts of the economic factors are as follows: Recruitment policy: Since during economic slowdown demand for the companys product will reduce hence the demand will also reduce for the employees of the company. Hence the recruitment policy of Toyota also gets affected during the recent slowdown in the economy. Toyota minimised the input of employees they were hiring in previous years. Even the rewards and incentives suffered due to economical slowdown. Layoffs: There have been various cases in the past where the employees were laid off due to financial crisis in this industry (Jeremy W. Peters, 2005). Though at Toyota which is provides assurance to its employees that they will not be laid off until extreme conditions but due to the bad economic condition world-wide and the losses which company have incurred due to recall of various model of its cars they have to lay off the people who were performing reasonably good. Relocations of staff: During the economic crisis need for the efficiency of the employees get increased so the process of retraining and relocation get increased. At Toyota also during recession special training were provided to the employees to increase their productivity and due to limited number of staff employees were shifted from one place to other according to the requirement. Location choices: Human resource department of the company is also looking in to hiring more from the country and thus trying to take most of their work from the country which offers better export and import policies and where the overall cost is less which could be due to cheap available labour or raw material, tax concession and lesser tax rates offered. Sociological: Sociological parameters of the macro environment analysis of the company includes the consumer attitude and behaviour, media news, trends, diversity, education, lifestyle changes, demographic changes, ethical issues, employee attitude, management style etc. Toyota Company works as a part of the society as it employs millions of people directly and indirectly. Its various products have revolutionalized the society by changing trends in mobility world. Ethically Toyota motors is taken as one of the strongest company as despite of huge losses they have recalled some of their car models and have repaired many cars which were having minor defects at free of cost. Toyota understand that there are cultural differences in every country and it is reflected even in the way of working and hence they prefer to employ people of the same country as of the country in which there offices are located so that it is easier for the employees to adjust to the work cultural. Also, the avoid relocation of employees unless it is very essential. Technological: Technological aspect of the framework includes the competing technology development, research funding, replacement technologies, maturity of technology, information and communication, Innovations, research etc. The technological investments made by Toyota are huge and it has always being pioneer in technological field. It is always known for its innovation initiatives, replacement mechanisms, and research funding and other initiatives. The large investments which Toyota has made in technical field have increased the risk and uncertainties for the company. The technological environment is changing at a fast pace so the companies need to cope up with this change. Henceforth, more number of employees with the highly functional skills is required for coping up with those changes. Toyota also promoted various trainings among employees to abreast them with latest technological advances. Following are some of the HR policies changes which have been observed due to the changes in the technological factors: Numerical flexibility: Numerical flexibility refers to the flexibility in the workforce in term of number of workforce employed in the company. Due to the technological up gradation and automation of various operations the number f recruitments have decreased over the year. Most of the temporary workers or agents who were working at Toyota were released from their services at Toyota while some of the Toyotas real work force was downsized. Functional flexibility: It is a special skill with the employees of the company that they are functionally flexible and trained for multiple skills. Since such employees can be proved as of great importance to company at the time of crisis. At Toyota employees are trained more on job and they are trained for multiple skills and they are functionally flexible and can work different work whenever required. So during economic crisis the employees were made functionally flexible and were involved into many a functions. Ecological: Environmental aspect of the PESTEL analysis takes into accounts the ecological factors, environmental regulations, customer values etc. The environmental factor has big impact in case of Toyota as the Environmental factors especially customer values and regulation decide the fate of any business. Toyota has established many RD centres to make use of its infrastructure and human capital resource which is very crucial for Toyota. Toyota spends as much as $1.1 billion per hour for research and development purpose so as to improve the quality of technology in order to minimize their carbon foot prints. In order to encourage employees to conserve energy and minimize the wastages it started an initiative to reward the employees for doing so. This helped in establishing a culture where the employee became more aware and conscious about the environment and participated in saving it (Kathryn Tyler, 2006). Legal: Legal framework considers the factors like current legislations in the home market, future legislations, regulatory body and processes, employement laws etc. Toyota Company is subject to various legislations such as competition laws, intellectual property laws, consumer protection and taxation etc (Terry Halbert Elaine Ingulli, 2008). When the auto industry reached to development efforts were made so as to create a web of local suppliers that make possible to meet the growing legal requirements for the national integration of production. Toyota gives a lot of emphasis on whistle blower policy and has even drafted a document that explains the legal rights of the employee regarding this. They also have strict norms against sexual harassment and discrimination among employees on the basis of race, colour or nationality. They have outlined code of conducts for employees so that they do not violate any of these laws and are very strict on these especially after the Sayaka Kobayashi sexual harassment case in 2006. Conclusion: It is evident from the above analysis that the external environmental factor has a huge impact on the human resource policies of an organization especially in the case of the Toyota. Though Toyota always believe in consistent and fair HR practices providing clean and safe work place to employees but the impact of the recession which was a major economical factor was apparently observed even in the HR practices of the company. The company was always committed in providing stable employment to employees and rewarded with rapid promotion to skilful worker but due to recession and various other external factors Toyota reduced the number of new recruitments and was even forced to lay off the employees. The employees were asked to relocate and functional flexibility was demanded from them. Even the rewards were then depended on the profitability. The company is very serious about the environment and has initiated a go green mission where they give incentives to employees for minimising the wastage and saving the energy. They give a lot of emphasis on training and cross functional culture due to dynamism in technological advancements. They have very strict norms for unethical practices, sexual harassments and whistle blowing policy. Thus we can conclude that external environmental factor has a huge impact on the HR policies of a company and they are highly related as company has regularly addressed these problems by bringing changes in their policies.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Nature of Power in Shakespeares Julius Caesar :: William Shakespeare

Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare is a political drama which examines the nature of power and leadership in Rome. A conspiracy of eight men, headed by Cassius and Brutus, plan the assignation of their leader, Julius Caesar. However while Cassius is driven by envy, Brutus on the other hand believes he is acting for the good of Rome. In Rome at the start of the play there is a vibrant atmosphere. As Caesar overthrows Pompey for the crown the crowd erupt into delight. In spite of the overwhelming support he still has a few doubters still lurking around. One of the discontented few, Brutus, opposes the idea of Caesar becoming King and gaining further power. ''I do fear the people who choose Caesar for their King.'' Brutus is heedful that this decision may effect the welfare of Rome by shattering the republic. Brutus is adamant that Rome's success was built on the fact that they had no ruler with his only line of thought being to weigh up what will benefit Rome and it's people the most. Cassius viewpoint on the issue is we shouldn't ever even contemplated offering Caesar this position.'' I was born free of Caesar and so were you.'' Cassius is saying that it was the rash of us to offer him power as this will harm Rome and take away. However Caesar has done very little wrong. The spite for Caesar erects from the view that he may gain too much power which illustrates the envy felt towards him. Another argument he compiled from him was that he found to his knowledge that Caesar couldn't handle pressure.''And when the fit was on him I did mark how he did shake''. He is mentioning at how he thinks this `unkingly` attribute he possesses hardly makes him fit for the job. It furthermore shows the extent of his envy by scrapping for little details like this. Brutus doesn't seem to agree with this.''Be any further moved by what you have said, I will consider what you have to say.'' The word ''consider'' reveals his caution as he attempts to decide in due course rather than to rush into the decision. It outlines him showing a sign of weakness by considering something he disagrees with. If he wasn't so open minded then the pairing of Brutus and Cassius may not of lasted.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Education and Teacher Essay

The word â€Å"teacher† does the profession no service. A teacher is really a combination of the most important professions in the world. Besides the parents, an educator is the biggest influence in a child’s life. The age span in which children are in school is the most impressionable years of their lives. A student’s educational experience can mold the events of his or her future. That is why I want to become a teacher. I want to be a mold for younger generations, and I hope for students to remember a knowledgeable and ethical teacher. Beliefs I feel the student should come to school willing to learn and the teacher should come ready to teach! The student’s role is just as important as the teachers; the student’s expectations of the teacher should be for her to teach and help them learn at all times. Teachers also play an important role in the classroom when it comes to the environment. If the teacher prepares a warm, happy environment, students are more likely to be happy. An environment set by the teacher can be either good or bad. If students feel the teacher is angry, students may react badly to that and therefore learning can be harder. I think teachers are responsible for the social behavior in their classrooms. This behavior is primarily a reflection of the teacher’s actions and the environment he/she sets. Metaphysics We are all here for a purpose and I believe that, that is to live for God and follow his way of life. It is hard to know what you are really on earth for until you find it through him! Some teachers will find it hard to keep the focus on the classroom do to all the other outside distractions but, I strongly believe that is you were meant to be a teacher then you will find a way to look past the bad and find the good. Why am I here? I think I am here to help children follow their dreams and make it through school easier than I did. When I become a teacher I want to be the best ever! I want to see that smile on the kids’ faces after I teach them something amazing. Progressivism I want to teach from some aspects of the progressivism style which focuses on respect for individuality, high regard for science, and learning from experience. I want to teach the children in my classroom to have respect for each other. This is a quality that will help them to be successful in society because if they respect others, then others will have respect for them. Having respect for others also shows that they have respect for themselves. I also want children to learn by hands-on activities. I will direct them from step to step and demonstrate how to do each step in the activities they perform. These activities make learning more interesting for the children because the children are able to get involved instead of just always watching the teacher do everything. Speaking of the children getting involved, they can really get involved when learning in a different atmosphere when on field trips. I feel taking children on field trips is an effective learning experience for them because it allows children to get out of the classroom setting and learn from a different perspective. In addition I want to focus on sciences because they are an important area in the knowledge of children. I think this growing area of our society should be focused on thoroughly because science advances and improves every day and I feel children should be aware of their changing world. Constructivism I feel like this is the main reason why I should teach and why I want to teach, I have learned so much though school and it has molded me to become who I am today. I learn a lot through experience and what I know will make me a better teacher it will help me relate to the ones that hate school or the ones that think they can’t do it. It’s all a process and the way you take the steps is how I think you will show others so you have to help them with their process and make sure that it doesn’t go bad or in the wrong direction. I plan to continue my education so that I may make teaching my profession. After graduation, I hope to find a position in an elementary school teaching in one of the first through sixth grade classes. I feel that elementary education is extremely important because it is here that children establish their foundation for the rest of the educational career. My goal and desires are to have the opportunity to touch a child’s life.

Friday, November 8, 2019

John Milton And Paradise Lost Religion Essay Example

John Milton And Paradise Lost Religion Essay Example John Milton And Paradise Lost Religion Essay John Milton And Paradise Lost Religion Essay when he read them as a male child in school. He excessively, wanted to compose an heroic poem for his state to take pride in ( ) . Besides Shakespeare influenced his poesy. He died in 1616, when Milton was seven ( Tillyard ) . Subjects A subject of Paradise Lost is obeisance to God. The heroic poem is all about adult male s first noncompliance to God and all that happened because of it. It besides tells us about Satan s first noncompliance to God and what happened to him. In kernel, Eden Lost presents two moral waies that one can take after noncompliance: the downward spiral of increasing wickedness and debasement, represented by Satan, and the route to salvation, represented by Adam and Eve ( Spark Notes ) . Another subject in the narrative is the hierarchy of the existence. With God the male parent at the top with Jesus, followed by the angels, so world, so the fallen angels in snake pit. When Satan refuses to admit Jesus as Lord, he disobeys God s hierarchy. God and Raphael both instruct Adam that Eve is somewhat further removed from God s grace than Adam because she was created to function both God and him ( Spark Notes ) . The other subject is that the autumn really brings good with it. Such as Christ s forfeit for humanity. God shows forgiveness and clemency to them. In other words, good will come of wickedness and decease, and world will finally be rewarded. This fortunate consequence justifies God s logical thinking and explains his ultimate program for world ( Spark Notes ) . Stylistic Devicess Softness and easiness: these are the qualities of manner ( Tillyard ) . Milton gives God the quality of sarcasm ( Tillyard ) . The usage of visible radiation and dark of his descriptions of things, tell us what is good and what is evil. For case, when he describes the Satans he uses dark, when he describes angels he uses visible radiation. Using this, he makes it cognize that the two things are antonyms and wholly different, like good and evil. ( Spark Notes ) Most of the narrative is centered around the conversations of the characters. Which is sort of unusual for the typical heroic poem narrative. Epic narratives tend to hold a batch of action and combat in it. ( Spark Notes ) When Satan is about to contend with the angel Gabriel, God makes graduated tables appear in the sky. This symbolizes that God is all powerful, and God gave both angels power and Satan can non crush Him. ( Spark Notes ) When Adam finds out that Eve has sinned he drops the garland of flowers he had been doing for her. This is symbolic in that adult male has now fallen, that he no longer loves Eve the manner that he one time did before the autumn. The fallen garland represents the loss of pure love ( Spark Notes ) . Fictional characters Old nick: Satan is the first of God s creative activity to transgress. Alternatively of atoning to God, he corrupts world and drop further into wickedness and misrepresentation. He represents one of two roads that worlds can take. Either repent to God for disobeying Him, or follow in Satan s footfalls and drop deeper into wickedness. In this narrative, we get a glance into the head of Satan and at the beginning of the narrative about sympathise with him. Comparing him to some sort of war hero that merely lost a conflict to a autocrat. Some people go so far as to state that Satan is really the hero of the narrative ( Tillyard ) . Adam: Before the autumn, Adam had a great and personal relationship with God. He was intelligent, funny, and perfect. His failing for Eve, leads him to transgress against God ; taking Eve alternatively of God. Eve: Eve s greatest failing is her amour propre. She is somewhat inferior to Adam. She is all right with her topographic point in the hierarchy though. Her failings and strengths compliment Adam s failings and strengths doing them stronger together. Therefore, Milton does non minimize all adult females through his word picture of Eve. Rather he explores the function of adult females in his society and the positive and of import function he felt they could offer in the Godhead brotherhood of matrimony ( Spark Notes ) . God: God is all knowing. He loves his creative activity and is ever merely. He makes good out of immorality, by giving up His boy as a forfeit he shows love, compassion, and clemency, He has control over Satan and over all evil. His boy allows Him to be near to His creative activity physically and completes Him as a perfect God ( Spark Notes ) . Trial over John Milton and Eden Lost 1. What did Adam bead when he found out that Eve had sinned? A. a banana B. a garland C. a coney D. a subdivision 2. Where did John Milton live? A. America B. Ireland C. England D. France 3. How many times was Milton married? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 0 4. What was Milton s female parent s name? A. Sarah B. Rita C. Elizabeth D. Elaine 5. What was Milton s faith? A. Buddhism B. Hinduism C. Christianity D. Atheism 6. What did Milton non compose? A. Eden Lost B. Lycidas C. Methought I saw my late espoused saint D. Emma 7. What were Adam s strengths? A. beauty and appeal B. intelligence and ground C. elegance and tact D. craft and misrepresentation 8. What book of the Bible is this narrative based on? A. Matthew B. Exodus C. Genesis D. Revelations 9. What animate being does Satan feign to be when he tricks Eve? A. Snake B. American bison C. Bumblebee D. Wolf 10. Who leads Adam and Eve out of Paradise? A. God B. Satan C. Beelzebub D. Michael 11. Who is Satan s 2nd in bid? A. Death B. Beelzebub C. Michael D. Adam 12. What is the name of Adam s comrade? A. Eve B. Victoria C. Lily D. Jane 13. Where was Satan and his followings cast after being thrown out of Eden? A. Earth B. China C. Hell D. Canada 14. What is the one regulation of Paradise? A. Do nt eat the fruit from the tree of cognition B. Do nt cut the grass C. Do nt dance D. Do nt imbibe from the watercourse. 15. What is the flood tide of the narrative? A. God making Adam B. Satan being cast into snake pit C. God making Eve D. Adam and Eve feeding from the tree of cognition 16. When was Milton born? A. 1608 B. 1601 C. 1773 D. 1541 17. When did Milton dice? A. 1674 B. 1579 C. 1801 D. 1701 18. How many siblings did Milton hold? A. 1 B. 5 C. 3 D. 2 19. Who tells Adam about Satan s autumn? A. Michael B. Raphael C. God D. Satan 20. Who guards the Garden of Eden? A. Adam B. Michael C. Gabriel D. God Fill in the space 1. Milton s greatest verse form was 2. Milton s male parent s name was 3. Milton was buried following to his 4. Eden Lost was foremost published in 5. Satan s greatest mistake is his 6. Milton traveled through 7. In his ulterior old ages Milton became 8. Milton wrote and booklets. 9. Paradise Lost is about the of world. 10. Milton s first married woman s name is Essay Question How does Milton believe of adult females in comparing to work forces? Answers 1. Bacillus 2. C 3. C 4. Angstrom 5. C 6. D 7. Bacillus 8. C 9. Angstrom 10. D 11. Bacillus 12. Angstrom 13. C 14. Angstrom 15. D 16. Angstrom 17. Angstrom 18. C. 19. Bacillus 20. C 1. Eden Lost 2. John 3. male parent 4. 1667 5. pride 6. Europe 7. blind 8. divorce and political 9. autumn 10. Mary Milton thought adult females to be inferior to work forces, and that the adult male should be the caput of the family. However, he thinks that adult females play an of import function as a married woman and that the hubby and married woman should complement each other. These thoughts might look old fashioned in today s clip but during his life-time this was rather a broad position. Some people thought that adult females were absolutely inferior to work forces, basically evil, and by and large to be avoided ( Spark Notes ) . Milton did non believe this position but supported his thought with Scripture.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Tobbaco is Wacko essays

Tobbaco is Wacko essays As the cancer slowly ate away the smokers lungs, three teenagers picked up their first pack of cigarettes. Only one product kills 1/3 of its users... Tobacco. As you finish reading this paragraph an estimated 21 people will have died because of tobacco. Tobacco is addictive and extremely harmful not only to the consumer but to the people around them as well. It took 62 deaths to recall Firestone tires, shouldnt 120,000 deaths a day be a good enough reason to make tobacco illegal? Cigarettes contain 4000 toxins and 101 different poisons including arsenic, cyanide (rat poison), carbon monoxide (a poisons gas), ammonia (household cleaner), lead, benzene (Rubber cement), tar, cadmium (used in batteries), hydrogen cyanide (Gas used for executions in gas chamber), and polonium (radioactive poison that is equal to 100 chest x-rays). The total number of deaths a day related to tobacco products is greater than deaths from suicide, traffic accidents, AIDS, murder, drugs, and alcohol... combined. Tobacco is the leading preventable cause of death in America. Cigarettes cause lung cancer, mouth cancer, throat cancer, larynx cancer, esophagus cancer, stomach cancer, pancreas cancer, uterus cancer, cervix cancer, kidney cancer, bladder cancer, and some forms of leukemia, heart disease, heart attack, fatal heart failure, and stroke as if that wasnt enough they also cause pulmonary diseases such as sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema, and tracheitis (inflammation of the trachea). When pregnant women smoke it is like the baby is also. Birth defects or complications could accrue such as, miscarriage, premature birth, especially, low-birth-weight, and babies with developmental problems. Nicotine depresses the appetite at a time when a woman should be gaining weight, and smoking reduces the ability of the lungs to absorb oxygen. Deprived of nourishment and oxygen, a fetus may not grow as fast as it should. ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Nelson Mandela Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Nelson Mandela - Research Paper Example ‘Long walk to freedom† is his autobiography in which he explains the hard facts of his life. Tenure of his imprisonment and his personal life style is clear to understand in his book. Hardships and finally the victory and attainment of his aim became known to the world through his autobiography. Mandela’s father was a councilor to tribal chiefs in Transkei. Due to shortage of resources and non-availability of basic facilities, Mandela played games of young boys made of natural materials. He was the first one in his family to attend school. His life was dramatically changed after the death of his father from a disease when he was only 9 (Mandela 37). His circumcision ceremony was held when he was 16 years old. It was a tradition in South Africa as a symbol of manhood. According to rules, a boy cannot have his father’s wealth unless the individual is converted to manhood. Even than the land of his father was in the custody of white people (Bezdrob 78). Mandela joined the university college after completion of basic studies. This was the only institutes for black people to seek higher education. Finally, he was expelled from college for protesting against food and lack of power in student representative council (SRC) (Villa 45). Mandela entered in politics by joining the African national congress in 1942. Mandela joined the group of young Africans during Second World War that was finally converted to African national congress youth league (ANCYL). His dedication and work for racial rights earned him the secretary ship of council in 1947. This movement aimed at complete citizen rights and parliamentary representation of all Africans. ANCYL launched its campaign against unjust laws of 1952 under the directions of Mandela as volunteer in chief. Mandela was trailed for mass involvement in anti government campaigns. After the trails, he was prohibited to attend any gathering and was

Friday, November 1, 2019

How Restorative Justice is used in the UK Essay

How Restorative Justice is used in the UK - Essay Example Restorative justice provides victims with such an opportunity. They are able to encounter the offender through arrangements made by the police or restorative justice officers. The main purpose of restorative justice is ensuring that both the victim and the offender cooperate in repairing the harm resulting from the crime. All the stakeholders must be willing to participate actively if restorative justice is to be effective. The United Kingdom embraces restorative justice to ensure the restoration of justice. Restorative justice highlights that serving justice requires the victims to undergo a restoration process that helps them get over the incident. In addition, the offenders need to embrace responsibility for their crimes recognizing the emotional harm they cause to their victims. In the community, restorative justice serves to maintain public order. There are different programs designed to make restorative justice effective, as this paper will highlight. More specifically, the pap er will discuss how restorative justice is in use in the Youth Justice Board in prisons and in the issuing of dispersal orders. The paper will consider the use of the restorative justice in Northern Ireland. In the United Kingdom, restorative justice relies on programs such as victim-offender mediation, conferencing, victim assistance, community service, ex-offender assistance, and restitution. The different restorative programs ensure that offenders, victims, and members of the community can have an encounter that allows them to discuss the process of the crime and its impacts. In addition, the different programs present the offenders with an opportunity to play a critical role in repairing the harms caused by the crime. The restorative programs facilitate the integration of offenders into the society. Restorative justice programs also promote inclusion of ex-offenders in community projects. Restorative justice can take place during any stage of the justice system. In some

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Business ownership and global business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business ownership and global business - Essay Example All the three forms of companies have their own benefits and risks. However sole proprietorship appears to be more risky as the owner is totally liable for every debt or loss incurred by the company. Limited Liability Company has some characteristics of sole trader and some of corporations as it is a limited liability company but a flow-through entity which means not subject to taxation up to some extent. Usually single owners choose this type of company to get rid of tedious paperwork required in other forms of companies. I think co-operative structure will be appropriate for this organization as it will help them to bring a wider platform in terms of financing and other resources. It also brings more knowledge and expertise to the organization. The company is totally run by the owner by his own self with out any other partner or director so in this form of business, the owner is not only limited in terms of ideas and knowledge but also monetary resources. The owner should think to delegate some powers and duties by getting other stakeholders in the company to extend the scope of business. A Limited liability company can also be limited in terms of financing sources. The owner, if not willing to change the ownership structure, opt to open branches of his business in other cities by replicating the same operations administered by local branch managers. He may choose to outsource some of the operations to other companies to get expert output. Tariffs and duties may affect the global business negatively. Higher rates of custom duties and taxes usually discourage buyers to import from other countries and they prefer to buy locally. The governments may take measures of decreasing such tariffs in order to encourage global

Monday, October 28, 2019

SWOT Analysis of Regis Corporation Essay Example for Free

SWOT Analysis of Regis Corporation Essay Section I – Organizational History Regis Corporation, a Fortune 1000 company, specializes in beauty salons, hair restoration centers, and cosmetology education. The Company owns, franchises, or holds ownership interests in approximately 12,700 worldwide locations (Regis Corporation, 2009). Regis corporate and franchise locations operate under concepts such as Supercuts, Sassoon Salon, Regis Salons, MasterCuts, SmartStyle and Hair Club for Men and Women (Regis Corporation, 2009). In addition, Regis maintains an ownership interest in Provalliance, which operates salons primarily in Europe, under the brands of Jean Louis David, Franck Provost and Saint Algue. Regis also maintains ownership interests in Empire Education Group in the U.S. and MY Style concepts in Japan. System-wide, these and other concepts are located in the U.S. and in over 30 other countries in North America, South America, Europe, Africa and Asia (Regis Corporation, 2009). In its nearly 9,500 North American salons, Regis offers a wide range of hair care services including haircuts, styling and coloring, as well as a wide selection of professional hair care products (Regis Corporation, 2009). Through their 96 Hair Club for Men and Women locations, Regis also offers a comprehensive menu of hair restoration products and services (Regis Corporation, 2009). Section II – Strengths and Weaknesses I would consider two of Regis Corporation’s strengths to be their longevity brand recognition and salon geographic locations. Two of Regis Corporation’s weaknesses are poor management and poor management. Strength #1- Longevity Brand Recognition Regis began 88 years ago and since then has grown into a multi-billion dollar company. Regis Corporation owns several well-known brands such as SuperCuts, Master Cuts, Vidal Sassoon, and ProCuts. They also have their own complete hair care line of products called DesignLine. Strength #2- Salon Geographical Locations Regis strategically places all of their salons in locations with high customer traffic flow such as malls, shopping centers, and Wal-Mart Supercenters. Having salons located in these areas allows for customer flexibility as well as a highly visible location for potential walk-in clientele. Regis is also has salons operating in Canada and Puerto Rico, as well as over 400 salons operating internationally in Europe (Regis Corporation, 2009). Weakness #1- Poor Management After reading many Regis employee reviews from, the majority of cons the employees listed had to do the management. Employees described management as unconcerned with quality of stylists hired, unresponsive to employee’s needs and concerns, and low opportunity for advancement. Upper and lower level management need to be properly trained and incorporate employee empowerment which includes employee recognition, sharing leadership, and providing feedback (,). Weakness #2- Poor Customer Service After reviewing many customer reviews, many of the complaints were centered on customer service issues. Some customers complained they were rushed through their service and there were complaints of having to wait over an hour for their service even though they had an appointment. Bad customer service is bad for the hair business because you not only loose that one client; you also lose any future referrals from the client and it can develop a bad reputation for the salon itself (,). Section III – Opportunities and Threats Two current opportunities for Regis Corporation’s are their hair restoration businesses and the availability of real estate for new construction. Two of Regis Corporation’s current threats are the downturn of the general economic environment and their current negative same-store sales. Opportunity #1- Hair Restoration Business In December 2004, Regis Corporation acquired the Hair Club for Men and Women (Regis Corporation, 2009). Currently this industry is comprised with numerous locations domestically and internationally. By consolidating and expanding, this industry would generate a great deal of revenue. Growth plans for hair restoration include construction of a modest number of new locations in untapped markets domestically and internationally (Regis Corporation, 2009). Opportunity #2- Availability of Real Estate for New Construction The availability of real estate for new construction is an opportunity for Regis to continue to expand not only the new construction of salons but also the construction of new hair restoration centers. By adding new units in convenient locations with good visibility and customer traffic. The availability of real estate will allow Regis to achieve long-term growth objectives (Regis Corporation, 2009). Threat #1- Downturn of the General Economic Environment Downturn of the economic environment results in customers spending less and waiting longer between returning visits to the salon. General economic factors include interest rates, recession, inflation, deflation, tax rates and policy, energy costs, and unemployment trends (Regis Corporation, 2009). Visits to hair restoration centers would be greatly impacted by increases in unemployment rates and decreases in income levels (Regis Corporation, 2009). Threat #2- Negative Same-Store Sales Same-store sales is taking the amount of revenue generated by stores (open one year or more) over a certain period and then comparing it to an identical period in the past. Many factors affect same-store sales such as fashion trends, competition, or even weather conditions. Regis same-store sales have declined for the eleventh consecutive quarter to 2.3% (Zacks Investment Research, 2011). Continued declines in same-store sales performance may cause us to be in default of certain covenants in their financing arrangements (Zacks Investment Research, 2011). Section IV – Summary Regis is a well-known brand name and had been in business for over 80 years. Regis is one of the largest companies in the hair care industry holding about 2% of the worldwide market. Their salons are conveniently located in malls, shopping centers, and even within Wal-Mart Supercenters. They have salons located all across the United States and have expanded their business to Canada, Puerto Rico, and Europe. Regis needs to improve on their employee satisfaction in regards to management and need to focus on improving customer service relations. Regis’s newly acquired hair restoration line provides a great opportunity to consolidate and expand this industry in turn creating a great deal of revenue. The availability of real estate for new construction is also a great opportunity for Regis to expand in the construction of new salons and new hair restoration centers, which will allow Regis to achieve long-term growth objectives. A threat to Regis is the downturn of the economic environment, which results in consumers spending less and waiting longer between salon visits. If Regis same-store sales do not begin to improve it will have a huge impact on their financing arrangements.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Computers and Homeland Security Essay -- Terrorist Terrorism September

Computers and Homeland Security After the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 security became a major concern for citizens and of course lawmakers. Unsure of what could happen next we were all afraid. Homeland Security encompasses policies, laws, organizations, and procedures designed to protect the rights and freedoms inherent in the US Constitution. Homeland defense which is sometime interchanged with Homeland Security deals with extra-territorial threats and preemptive operations (Parons & Oja, 51). Governments in many countries are devoting significant resources to combat this growing threat. In the United Stats, the Department of Homeland Security, or DHS is responsible for reducing America?s vulnerability to terrorism and leading a unified national effort to prevent terrorist attacks on American citizens and assets. The DHS mission statement is: ?We will lead the unified national effort to secure America. We will prevent and deter terrorist attacks and protect against and respond to threats an d hazards to the nation. We will ensure safe and secure borders, welcome lawful immigrants and visitors, and promote free-slow of commerce? ( Technology is a key component of DHS. A part of the PROTECT system uses a computer program to depict the dispersion of toxic materials. On October 26, 2001 the President of the United States signed the Patriot Act, which was designed to define terrorist activities and provide la enforcement officials with legal tools for finding, catching, and prosecuted terrorists (Parons & Oja, 51). Computer systems assist efforts to identify terrorists among the millions of people who travel into and within U.S. borders. Terrorists might use cell hones or e-mail t... ...ments and have become more sophisticated at this task thanks to research for ordinary text-to speech and voice recognition technologies. Computers are a huge part of homeland security, without them we would all be at a greater risk for terrorism. Computers are prominent in each and every one of our lives, and they help us in many ways. Works Cited Arnone, Michael. "Internet security 'back to the Stone Age'." 22 Nov. 2005. 30 Nov. 2005 . "DHS Organization." Department of Homeland Security. DHS. 12 Nov. 2005 . National Security Agency Central Security Sevice. National Security Agency. 12 Nov. 2005 . United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team. US-CERT. 12 Nov. 2005 .